Admission Welcome

The FXW Admission Team
Nikki, Sue, and Vinkeia

When finding the right school for your child, it is important to believe in the School’s mission and feel comfortable with its “way of life.” During the admission process, The Frances Xavier Warde School (FXW) seeks to provide prospective families with a clear picture of our School’s culture.


The admission process reflects our effort to share information while getting to know applicants and their families. Since our educational philosophy centers around the parent/school partnership, we look for a good match between family and school.


At FXW, it is important that families understand, support and embrace our Mission. Please contact the Admission Team at or 312-268-2543.

The FXW profile offers an overview of our school community and programs. FXW welcomes students from a variety of backgrounds and provides an academically excellent, values-oriented education. View our FXW profile.

Admission Calendar